Joy Thornburg Melton
Hindson & Melton LLC
1050 Crown Pointe Parkway, Suite 500
Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone: (404) 702-7390
E-mail: joy at
Partner, Hindson & Melton, LLC
Areas Of Practice:
Wills and Trusts: Living, Revocable, Irrevocable, Special NeedsEstate Planning and Probate & Estate Administration; Family Law; Elder Law; Church Consulting; Non-Profit Consulting
Georgia, 1993
U.S. Court of Appeals 11th Circuit, 1993
U.S. District Court Northern District of Georgia, 1993
Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia, 1993, J.D.
Scarritt College, Nashville, TN, Master of Arts
Pfeiffer College, Misenheimer, N.C., B.A., Major: Christian Education
Safe Sanctuaries: The Church Responds to Abuse and Exploitation of Older Adults, Discipleship Resources 2012, Nashville, TN
Safe Sanctuaries for Ministers: Best Practices and Ethical Decisions, Discipleship Resources 2009, Nashville, TN
Safe Sanctuaries: Reducing the Risk of Abuse of Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults, Discipleship Resources 2008, Nashville, TN
Safe Sanctuaries:Reducing the Risk of Child Abuse in Church, Discipleship Resources, 1998, 2002, Nashville, TN
Safe Sanctuaries for Youth Ministry, Discipleship Resources, 2003, Nashville, TN
Safe Sanctuaries for Children and Youth: DVD and Video, Discipleship Resources, 2004, Nashville, TN
- Classes/Seminars Taught:
Safe Sanctuaries Seminars taught nationally to United Methodist organizations as well as other denominations – in over 40 states
Employment Practices Liability Seminars for Church Business Administrators
Safe Sanctuaries Seminars for Camps and Non-Profits
Webinars on Ministry Protection and Risk Reduction Strategies
Charitable Giving and Estate Planning Seminars for Church and Civic Groups
American Bar Association
Georgia Bar Association
Collaborative Law Institute of Georgia
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
North Georgia Annual Conference United Methodist Church Clergy
Pfeiffer University Trustee
Lake Junaluska Assembly Board of Directors
- Birth Information:
- Gastonia, North Carolina, United States of America